DJA Aviation (Pty) Ltd was originally formed in 1969 and became dedicated to aviation insurance in 1976. DJA’s team is South Africa’s largest dedicated aviation insurance broking firm.
With a team of highly experienced aviation insurance specialists, it’s the greatest concentration of aviation insurance knowledge, expertise and experience available on the African continent. DJA provides insurance portfolios for its customers, which are balanced between cost, coverage, service and security.
DJA is part of the i capital Group and is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No: 15808).
bee compliance
Social Responsibility is not about giving money to charity, or just asking people not to print emails for the sake of Mother Earth! First and foremost, businesses exist to make profit, and this isn’t meant to change as a goal. The reality is that no organisation operates in isolation; there is interaction with employees, clients, suppliers and stakeholders. Social responsibility is about managing these relationships to produce an overall positive impact on society, whilst making money.
DJA supports the Guide Dog Association of South Africa, please click on the link below to view all the puppies DJA have sponsored over the years and meet their latest pup.